Of Puppies and Trees

Of Puppies and Trees

This post was not the one I intended to write. About a week ago I had something different almost ready when Evernote decided somehow, in its mysterious, bloated, technological wisdom, to delete 90% of what I wrote. But I think that was as it should have been. I think...
Logic and Fantasy

Logic and Fantasy

I’ve been thinking a heck of a lot about time lately, due to a variety of experiences and upcoming events: My clients’ challenges with it; The course curriculum on coaching time that I’m currently working on; The time management panel I’m...
Spell Check

Spell Check

There once was a young man, in a distant, sleepy village, who wanted to change. Peering into his looking-glass every morning, he was dissatisfied with whoever that guy was looking back at him, with one ear slightly higher than the other. That guy had a hard time with...
Of Grief, Angels, and Worthiness

Of Grief, Angels, and Worthiness

Some of you know I had to say goodbye to Lucy the Wonderdog and Ringo the Labradorganizer last week. I had planned to rework a post in their memory – one I did a while back about how they taught me time management lessons (maybe that one will come later). I also...